Sacred Sound Meditation + CBD

  You are invited to join us in this gentle, yin nurturing practice. This alignment with our sacred truth is an attunment to our highest path and purpose. Every month a space is offered to come and tune in. To listen to that inner voice. To sit or lay in meditation and greet the thoughts that arrive, with sacred sound. To welcome them into your heart space with ceremonious vibrations.    Each monthly offering is a new sonic journey. I call it Sonic Alchemy, because it is ever changing. The instruments that want to join us change. The people that attend change. It's in this shifiting frequency dynamic that the dulcet tones of various Himalayan Singing Bowls from Nepal, Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Moldavite Infused Singing Bowls, and multiple Chau and Wind Gongs are introduced. This set up allows for states of deep rest, deep connection, and deep release of patterns that no longer serve you.     At the beginning of the night, I offer each in attendance 1 mL of liquid Light Body Activation. This is non-psychoactive, THC Free, Alcohol Free CBD + CBG. The product is called RECEPT, and I have achieved such a profound recovery from multiple Traumatic Brain Injuries with this Love, that I have a duty to share it forth in my community. Receiving a dosage is NOT a requirement to attend the sound meditation. It is just something I am sharing from my Heart, in addition.   These monthly ceremonies are presented for self - patience, self - love, and self - care. An alchemical event with the energetics of the full moon bringing the waterways of our bodies into heightened awareness, we are able to subtly amplify the inner world. To bring these things we are "letting go" to the crest of the wave, and softly dissipate them, reorganizing our inner sea. This is transformation. This is transmutation.  A gentle practice that allows space within your heart and mind.  Come, let's give ourselves this monthly self-care ceremony to assist the natural cycles of our beings.       Hope to share space with you soon. Blessings, until we meet again. }♡{ #fullmoonceremony #discoverden #bestofdenver #downtowndenver #do303 #healthylifestyle #meditation #healing #repatterning #soundmeditation #rootedheartyogaandwellness #thecornerbeet #ogden #caphill #thingstodoindenver #selfcare #selflove #wellness #soundhealing #singingbowl #singingbowls #himalayansingingbowls #gongs #soundbath #vibrationalmedicince #somakaipsyche #theraputicmassage #RootedHeart #vibrationalsoundtherapy #CBD #CBG #hempextract #lightbodyactivation

Event Details

12:00 AM on May 19, 2019


Rooted Heart Yoga & Wellness
1409 North Ogden Street
Denver, CO

