Terrapin Care Station has a storefront located at 1795 Folsom St in Boulder, Colorado. This location is a recreational dispensary that has an ATM on-site. This dispensary is open from 9am - 6:45pm Everyday..


Terrapin Care Station is 1 of 51 dispensaries in Boulder, Colorado
1795 Folsom St
Boulder, Colorado, 0

(303) 954-8402

9am - 6:45pm Everyday.
  • Recreational
  • ATM
  • Credit cards
  • Store front

Recent Activity

02/10/2017 - Terrapin Care Station in Boulder, Colorado

Terrapin Care Station has added or updated the other product: Tessellation Shirt.

02/10/2017 - Terrapin Care Station in Boulder, Colorado

Terrapin Care Station has added or updated the other product: Terrapin Turtle Shirt.

02/10/2017 - Terrapin Care Station in Boulder, Colorado

Terrapin Care Station has added or updated the edible product: Wanas Balanced Time Release Capsules (THC/CBD).

02/10/2017 - Terrapin Care Station in Boulder, Colorado

Terrapin Care Station has added or updated the other product: Dixie - Bath Soak 500mg.

02/10/2017 - Terrapin Care Station in Boulder, Colorado

Terrapin Care Station has added or updated the other product: Womens Tessellation Tank.