March for Medical Cannabis in North Carolina

We can no longer fear Big Pharma, 70%+ of NC citizens support medical cannabis. The citizens of North Carolina understand that denying the sick safe access to safe medicine is not only dangerous, but morally wrong. We are uniting in a statewide campaign to push our legislators to protect those who want to treat their illness with a safer alternative. Vote yes to House Bill 185! We are tired of being locked up and denied rights to what keeps us well. You do not have to smoke cannabis to stand with the sick who need it, to understand this will fight the opiate epidemic, and begin to heal our community naturally. This is a statewide effort with marches taking place across the state. We will meet at pritchard park for some speakers, then march to Vance Monument. We are here not to break the law but to reform it. Bring Signs, Smiles, and Respect. Looking forward to seeing you.

Event Details

2:00 PM on April 22, 2017

Event Producer:
NC NORML of Asheville


Pritchard Park
67 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC

