19th global marijuana march

Organized protest is our right as Americans. Otsego county lets police harass and steal from citizens at will. No more. On World Marijuana March Day. stand up for others that need your help. Help us end cannabis prohibition. Come to the protest with signs and let them know its past time for them to treat all Americans with respect. Not piggy banks. This is ground zero for Michigan and therefore it is where we will be. It is on a Saturday and local shops will have huge discounts available for protestors. Update*****court jury selection 6/6. We march then. In solidarity. A weekday. Be there. The news will. Bring signs asking why dispensaries are allowed in other towns? Why Lansing? Why Detroit? Why traverse city?

Event Details

10:00 AM on June 9, 2017

Event Producer:
Cannabis Licensing Group


Otsego County Courthouse

Gaylord, MI

