4/20 Vegan Mac n Cheese Bake Off!

17th Annual 4/20 Vegan Mac and Cheese Bake Off! Join us for the most delicious event that happens ALL YEAR LONG! Folks that come out will bring their own plate and fork for a chance to sample dozens of vegan mackie treats! Then once we try some cheesy dishes we will cast our vote on who's Mac was the best and will win People's Choice. Categories this year include Best traditional Mac Most innovative Mac Tastiest desert Mac People's Choice All dishes must be vegan and come with a list of ingredients. Make sure to make enough for lots of people to try. The more Mac you make the more people you can reach, which means you have more chances to bring home People's Choice. We have a panel of awesome judges that will be tasting and judging for the top traditional, innovative and dessert! Brownie points if you buy your ingredients at bread and roses! Folks that bring a dish get in for free and it's just $5 for everyone else! Bring extra cash if you want a Mac shirt or print! Update: no Mac shirt at this event because our screen /design didn't work but we will let you know when it's ready Doors open at 6pm and tasting starts at 6:30! Judging shortly after. Remember to be on time and this is a tasting not a feast. Folks at the end of the line might not taste as much or have as much as the first folks that go through. We are most likely going to make a big batch of Mac just in case folks at the end have less to sample. No refunds! All proceeds goto hooking up the commercial kitchen so we can feed to tasty treats all year long! If you would like to volunteer please let us know! Reasons to make Mac for the bake off 1. Testing your recipe means eating lots of Mac 2. Chance to Win rad prizes 3. You get to taste all the macs at the event for free 4. You get to be first in line(and it's like a Disney world type line) 5. It feels good to feed people 6. Bonus points (equals 5 votes) if you buy your ingredients at bread and roses! (Take a photo of what you buy at the register in the co-op, post it to your Instagram and tag @breadandrosesfoodcoop) The more people that make Mac the better the competition is! Your Mac could win!

Event Details

6:00 PM on April 20, 2017

on December 22, 2024

Event Producer:
Bread and Roses Food Cooperative


Bread and Roses Food Cooperative
915 Railroad Ave
Tallahassee, FL

