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Candid Conversations about Marijuana Policies FITCHBURG -- Rep. Stephan Hay, D-Fitchburg, will be hosting "Candid Conversations about Marijuana Policies" at 6 p.m. Monday in Fitchburg State University's Kent Recital Hall. As a member of the Joint Committee on Marijuana Policies, Hay encourages all to attend this event to listen, learn and express their own opinions about marijuana policies and how they may affect Fitchburg and Lunenburg Precinct B. The event will be run in a "hearing"-like format. There will be a sign-up sheet for those who wish to speak at the event. Each person who signs up to speak will be allotted time to provide "testimony" or thoughts on marijuana policy. Parking will be provided across the street. If you are unable to attend but would like to express your thoughts on marijuana policies, visit the representative's district office at the Senior Center, 14 Wallace Ave., or call the office at 978-829-1794. Read more: http://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/breakingnews/ci_30932310/rep-hay-host-candid-conversations-about-marijuana-policies#ixzz4eng9B5S9 Source: Sentinel & Enterprise