Marijuana, it's nature, it's scary, it's dangerous?!

Mary J, Reefer, Stick Icky, "Marijuana"... Nature, it's scary, it's dangerous, and it could downright kill you?!?!?! Cannabis, is this truly the Devil's Lettuce? A substance with far-reaching implications, all of mankind has been forbidden to touch this sacred plant for far too many years. Has the restriction of cannabis from our society saved us from certain doom or have we become BLP's (Cannabinoid-Deficient ~ Backward-Looking People)? Besides the impact of the removal of cannabis and hemp from much of the world on a biological level; what has become of our overall sense of being? Is there light at the end of the tunnel or are we just blowing smoke? Let's take a look at how toxic this infamous "Marijuana" is and how it impacts our health, our mind, and our overall well-being. You decide, Michael Scott ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "These classes are made possible and provided through your generous donations. Please consider constributing on your next visit! Thank you!" ~ Twenty22Many-Olympia

Event Details

3:00 PM on May 13, 2017

Event Producer:


322 East 4th AVE
Olympia, WA

