How to Obtain a Marijuana Facilities License

Are you interested in getting into the commercial Michigan Medical Marijuana market? License applications for commercial marijuana businesses will become available from the state in December and it will take an incredible amount of effort and preperation to establish a successful business. This seminar will provide you every bit of information and advice necessary to be successful including: how to write a winning license application, what is necessary in an operational plan, how to obtain investors, the secret to writing a credible business plan, how to identify the best location for your business, how to select the best city or township to locate, and what professional services are most necessary for success and why. Hear first hand from cannabis legal experts and consultants practicing in California, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts and Michigan. Seminar attendees will enjoy a full day of presentations and will obtain information and legal counsel necessary to start a successful cannabis business in an incredibly regulated and competitive industry. Topics Covered Include -What you need to know Cannabis taxation - Choosing the right business structure for your marijuana business - Purchasing marijuana compliant real estate - The process for making your existing real estate marijuana compliant - Properly transferring funds to your business - Creating the necessary corporate documents and partnership agreements - Raising the money for your marijuana venture - Team creation and selection - Creating a business plan for you and your investors - The science behind safe medicine - The Trump administration and its potential impact on the marijuana industry - Municipal and state licensing process - Compliance - What you need to know to keep your marijuana business license - Compliance issues- and the lessons we’ve learned Industry specific breakouts will be available for cultivators and provisioning centers. Attending this seminar will significantly increase the likelihood for successfully entering the commercial medical marijuana market in Michigan. Attendees will learn all about the issues we know that will directly be addressed in starting your busuiness. The time to learn these very important principles is now. ----- About the Presenters Our seminar instructors are accomplished and proven experts in the national cannabis landscape. You will hear from: Pamela Epstein Pamela is Counsel to Hoban Law Group and the Founder of Green Wise, LLC. Pamela practices in Arizona and California and has national experience in established cannabis markets. She ensures that her clients have the proper planning and business structure that will result in efficiency and profitability as well as an overall benefit for the cannabis industry. Pamela has been a featured speaker at several cannabis conferences speaking on land use, zoning, regulatory compliance and environmental issues. Pamela also serves as the legal advisor for the Inland Empire California NORML Chapter. Pamela’s diverse background inclusive of non-profit and environmental work places her in a unique position to understand and advise clients on the emerging intersession of environmental and cannabis compliance. Her career has and will continue to focus on helping clients build successful, sustainable and responsible businesses in the cannabis industry, and assisting those businesses in the process of negotiating the rapidly changing landscape of cannabis law and regulations at the local, state and federal level. ----- Robert Carp Robert Carp is from Massachusetts and is a former High Tech Entrepreneur of the Year and a Harvard trained government scientist. Carp works as a practicing attorney in the Boston area, and is a frequent speaker nationwide on the subject of marijuana business operations, corporate structure and tax issues in the industry. Carp is a prolific author, with his latest book, “The Marijuana Business Operations Guide” leading Amazon’s category for this topic. Carp is also a tax attorney and an Enrolled Agent with the IRS practicing in tax courts around the country. ----- Barton Morris Barton Morris is the founder and principal attorney of the Cannabis Legal Group, specializing in all marijuana related legal issues including criminal defense, business law, licensing, consulting, land use and real property. Barton is well known as one of the top cannabis law lawyers in Michigan having developed this expertise since 2008 with the enactment of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. He is a council member of the Marijuana Law Section of the Michigan Bar Association and chair of its science committee and is a national speaker and writer on marijuana law issues. ----- Matthew Roman Matthew Roman is the practice group leader and the Cannabis Legal Group and a rising star in the cannabis legal world. Not only is he an attorney, he also holds an MBA and has a very strong cannabis business background that is valuable to anyone looking for a license. Matthew has extensive experience working with and for start-up companies. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the State Bar of Michigan’s Marijuana Law Section Journal. ----- Craig Aronoff Craig Aronoff is a senior attorney with the Cannabis Legal Group. His practice areas include cannabusiness, real estate and civil litigation. Craig works with cannabusiness entrepreneurs, municipalities, caregivers and patients on licensing strategy, business planning, industry segmentation, entity formation, real estate acquisitions or tenancy, municipal ordinances, licensing preparation, application packages and industry advocacy. Since the enactment of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act in 2008, Craig has also advised and counseled dozens of Caregivers, Patients, real estate professionals, investors and business owners on licensing, compliance, entity formation, municipal compliance and landlord/tenant related matters. ----- What's Included - Breakfast - Bagels, Muffins - Refreshments - Coffee, Tea, Water - Lunch - Post Seminar Networking Event - Parking ----- VIP Registration In addition to the full seminar on June 9th, VIP attendees are invited to a Detroit Tigers suite game Thursday, June 8th for a chance to network with the presenters, attorneys and special guests in a private setting. VIP attendees are welcome to a special discounted room rate of $199 at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. Additionally, VIP attendees who retain the firm will receive a $1,000 credit. VIP tickets are limited.

Event Details

8:00 AM on June 9, 2017

Event Producer:
Cannabis Legal Group


Cobo Center, Detroit
1 Washington Blvd
Detroit, MI

