Dark Side of the Rainbow: A 420-Friendly Film Screening

ADVANCE TICKETS ARE OFFICIALLY SOLD OUT A limited number of rush seats will be made available at the door close to 9:30pm based on turnout. ---------------- Travel with Dorothy on a story of sonic synchronicity as she rides the Great Gig in the Sky from black-and-white Kansas to Technicolor Oz. That's right, it's a 420-friendly screening of MGM's The Wizard of Oz, paired with the soundtrack of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon on our epic soundsystem. 9 PM - Doors Open. Mingle. Find a cozy spot to curl up and see the show. 9:30 PM ish - On the third roar of the lion, take a toke and take the trip! 11:30 PM ish - Credits roll. We're going to play some more classic rock on the sound system and you can hang out and party as late as you want. BYOB PWYC $10 suggested donation for admission. Proceeds go to some much needed Mango Dome improvements. Volunteer opportunities available. ATM on site!

Event Details

9:00 PM on May 27, 2017

Event Producer:
Mango Dome Community Center


Mango Dome Community Center
30 Laskie Street
San Francisco, CA

