Detroit Marijuana Zoning/License/StateOfMI Petition Signing

This new and redesigned petition will address the problems with the current Marijuana Ordinance and create revenue for neighborhood recreation centers in Detroit. We have a deadline of June 15th, 2017 to gather 5000+ signatures to put the issue on the November 7th, ballot. This new ordinance is in compliance with State Law and removes Liquor Stores, Parks, and reduces the distance from a Church to 500ft – You must be a registered voter in the City Of Detroit to sign the petition If you are a registered voter in the State Of Michigan, please take the time to sign the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol petition also.

Event Details

6:00 PM on June 1, 2017

Event Producer:
Citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform


1917 American Bistro
19416 Livernois Ave
Detroit, MI

