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Malinalli 420 Fest/ Going Away Party Our story: The already existing Malinalli Edibles Company established in 2010 expanded out of need to break the oppressing and inhumane conditions of the LA weed sweatshops!! Yes, SWEATSHOPS where we were exploited because there are NO laws protecting the rights of trimmers. With little pay, no breaks, no AC or air ventilation, no exiting the building unless we were done, and often times, no water. Trimming everything from sticky OG's to contaminated moldy weed for up to 12hrs in one sitting. In the spirit of resistance, to promote better quality weed for ALL OF LA's stoners and non-stoners alike, we said ENOUGH!!! YA BASTA!! WE came together June 2017 as MALINALLI: a work co-op providing an ethical environment for all cannabis workers and users. Quality from the seed to the bong!