Get Legit: Cannabis Regulation & Compliance Workshop

Please join the Mendocino Cannabis Growers Alliance for this educational event. MCGA is the newly formed Mendocino Chapter of the California Growers Association. From 1-3pm Hezekiah Allen, the Executive Director of the California Growers Association will be presenting: Making Sense of the Trailer Bill, an Introduction to the Medical and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation & Safety Act of 2017. The 2017 Budget Trailer Bill is the capstone of three years of focused work that included the development of SB 1262, development and passage of the MCRSA, passage of SB 837 and the passage of Prop 64. This presentation will clarify requirements for cannabis businesses seeking state licensing. We will break from 3-4pm, local eats will be available for purchase from vendors onsite. From 4-5pm we will offer facilitated breakout sessions on compliance topics such as: • Local Cannabis Ordinance & Permitting Program • Building Code Compliance • Cannabis Business Compliance • Insurance Requirements • Farm Labor Law • Pesticide Regulation • Water Rights • The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Program We will conclude the event with a presenter panel - audience Q&A from 5 - 6pm. This event is free to members of CGA, and $25 at the door for non-members. You will have an opportunity to sign up for MCGA membership at the event, and apply the $25 entrance fee to your annual membership, which includes membership to the state wide organization.

Event Details

1:00 PM on July 22, 2017

Event Producer:
California Growers Association Mendocino Chapter


Harwood Hall In Laytonville

Laytonville, CA

