Pre - Eclipse / Playa, EOW Indiegogo Gathering & Sale!

Come join us at Hemp Shak & Essential Oil Wizardry for a funky festival clothing sale and gathering. Cerebrate Essential Oil Wizardry's Indiegogo campaign to transition to a beautiful 5-acre property and pick up your favorite essential oil products for the burn & Oregon Eclipse! Featuring! *Local hand-made clothing; eco-friendly textiles; recycled and upcycled clothing; and unique one-of-a-kind items. Including local designs from Gypsy Spirit Apparel, Morpho House, Grateful Threads and The Nifty Thrifty! @gypsyspiritapparel @gratefulthreads @theniftythrifty *Over 200 essential oil products to elevate your festival (and everyday) experience. Free gift to anyone that contributes to our Indiegogo Campaign from Essential Oil Wizardry! * A tea lounge, featuring teas from the Secret Garden. @secretgardenslo * Music and dance space. Music from Josh Payne ( * Free piles of clothes! Including a ton of free kids clothes! <3 <3 <3

Event Details

6:00 PM on August 6, 2017

Event Producer:
Hemp Shak


Hemp Shak
778 Higuera St, Ste F
San Luis Obispo, CA

