MPF Presents: Marijuana and Millis

How should Millis respond to the legalization of recreational marijuana in Massachusetts? What are other towns doing, and why? What's right for Millis? Come to this meeting to have your voice heard, and to gain important information about the new law legalizing marijuana possession and consumption that was passed last November, and how it will potentially affect Millis. Chairman of the Board of Selectman Jim McCaffrey, and Police Chief Chris Soffayer will be in attendance to answer questions from the audience, and to provide relevant info. The meeting will be held in room 229 of the Veterans Memorial Building, and will be televised. All Millis Public Forum meetings are free and open to the public.

Event Details

7:00 PM on July 26, 2017

Event Producer:
Kaplan Hasanoglu


Veteran's Memorial Building

Millis, MA

