Hemp-Drived CBD: 10 Things You Should Know

There’s been much debate suggesting that CBD derived from agricultural hemp has the same properties as cannabis-derived CBD, making it a potential alternative for patients who can’t legally access medical marijuana but can legally acquire hemp-derived CBD products. A lot of people aren’t entirely familiar with hemp-derived CBD, however. What exactly is there to know? Join us for this informative lecture, where you will: ■ Find out how CBD was discovered, its natural sources, including the differences between psychoactive THC and non-psychoactive CBD ■ Discover the interactions of CBD and the human endocannabinoid system as it relates to human health ■ Learn why hemp is the most eco-friendly way to balance the endocannabinoid system ■ Determine if agricultural hemp-derived CBD is the best option for you

Event Details

6:00 PM on August 22, 2017

Event Producer:
Whole Foods Cooperative


Whole Foods Cooperative
1341 W 26th St
Erie, PA

