A Call to Action for Medical Marijuana Patients&Caregivers

This is Event was inspired by those READY for CHANGE! And willing to go the mile.. to make the difference. Composed solely of Volunteer efforts...The soul purpose of this Emergency "Call to Action" is to UNITE those that are ready to stand up for their rights! We aim to address and bring Awareness to the issues at hand. Patients access must not be disrupted threw this licensing process and we need to make our voices heard for the people who do tremendously benefit from these certain facilities. The detrimental chain reaction we will continue to face in the State of Michigan and as a Nation without ending prohibition on marijuana. This is an opportunity to let YOUR voice be heard! TOGETHER we can make a CHANGE! A state that voted for the medicinal Use of Cannabis, should not be prosecuting law abiding citizens! It's time to say it...loud and clear... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! And TOGETHER WE STAND UNITED DEMANDING CHANGE!

Event Details

1:00 PM on October 22, 2017

Event Producer:
Daniel J OB


Rosa Parks Circle
135 Monroe Center St NW
Grand Rapids, MI

