Vancouver 420 farmers market (August 19 2017)

The Vancouver 420 farmers market has been safely meeting the community's need for local cannabis products for almost 2 years! Organized by various independent activists, each market draws 15 or more vendor booths, musicians, and hundreds of participants. Our common belief is that cannabis is a safe and effective sustance that should NOT be prohibited, that Canadian cannabis laws are unjust, that prison for pot is wrong, and that peaceful civil disobedience is necessary to point out the unjustice. As our brothers and sisters across the country continue to be arrested and jailed for victimless "crimes", we continue our protest in defiance. Recently, we've gone from monthly to semimonthly, meeting on the first and third Saturdays of every month, and momentum continues to grow! Meet the makers of your medicine and engage in voluntary peaceful transactions between adults. :) [free to vend and attend, 19+, peaceful breaking of unjust cannabis laws only]

Event Details

10:00 AM on August 19, 2017

Event Producer:


Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC

