Marijuana And The Assault On The Black Man by Dr. Wesley Muhammad

In this video presentation Dr. Wesley Muhammad gives you the facts on marijuana usage that is destroying our community at large but is not being talked about. Dr. Wesley Muhammad is an American author, historian, professor, scholar, and a minister in the Nation of Islam. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Morehouse College (Atlanta, GA), graduating with honors in 1994. In 2003 Dr. Muhammad received a master's degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), whence he also received a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies with a focus on Early Theological Development in Islam. Dr. Muhammad’s doctoral work included training in Classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew, German and French and he conducts research in those languages. Twice as a graduate student Dr. Muhammad’s research earned him the highly honored, Great Books of Islam Prize, given out by the Center For Middle East and Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan. Dr. Muhammad has been invited to present his research at the University of Chicago, Duke University, Emory University, Michigan State University, Western Kentucky University, Howard University, Cleveland State University, Morehouse College, Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University.

Event Details

2:00 PM on October 7, 2017

Event Producer:


George Washington Carver Museum
1165 Angelina Street
Austin, TX

