CBD, THC & the CT Medical Marijuana Program

Presented by: Kebra Smith-Bolden RN of CannaHealth $30 for 2 hours, 7:00 – 9:00 With a Medical Marijuana program implemented in CT, a lot of focus has been on it's efficacy and why it works so well with our bodies. The answer is, in part, the Endocannabinoid system and it's unique interaction with CBD and THC, the two main chemical components found in Hemp and Cannabis. Topics Covered in this Workshop: * Laws in CT * The Function of the Endocannabinoid system and how CBD and THC work with our cannabinoid receptors * THC vs CBD * The difference between Cannabis and Hemp * Medical conditions for which CBD and THC is effective * Using CBD & THC Medically * Dosing and self titration * Which is the right choice for me? Legal CBD or Medical Marijuana? * Overview CT's Medical Marijuana program * Qualifying conditions for a CT MMJ card * How to obtain a CT MMJ card and where to obtain medicine

Event Details

7:00 PM on October 25, 2017

Event Producer:
Bohemian High, LLC


Bohemian High, LLC
156 Bridgeport Ave.
Milford, CT

