Marijuana Business Conference

Marijuana Business Conference | Leaders in Marijuana Business Law It’s Time to Get Legal! Marijuana 101 On January 2, 2018, the State of California is opening the door for thousands of licenses to be given to those interested in making money from the growing, distribution, and selling of marijuana and cannabis related products. Proposition 64 has created more questions than answers. Many investors, attorneys, and entrepreneurs need guidance on how to navigate this. Join us for the first conference targeted at joining current operators with new investors interested in the cannabis business. If you are a current operator or someone wanting to know whether this billion-dollar industry is for you, join us on October 25, 2017 from 6 – 9 p.m. to find out. Speaking will be industry titans about the current state of the law. State-mandated programs such as licensing will be explained and taught. It is not too late to join the biggest and best conference of the year. Reserve your spot today! CONTENT: Cannabis licensing, investment opportunities, city, county and state regulations, taxation, zoning and planning issues and illegal cannabis businesses. Expert's in each category will make presentations! Date: 10/25/2017 6pm-9pm Location: Conference Center (Ground Floor) 790 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101 Registration Fee: $20/person (RSVP) $50/person (at door) Parking: Validation is not available PANEL SPEAKERS: Paul P. Cheng, Esq. – Trial Attorney, Former Prosecutor Joaquin Lim – Former Walnut Mayor Kenneth G. Spiker – President & CEO of Spiker Consulting Group Adam J. Spiker – Senior Partner of Spiker Consulting Group Edward J. Rendon – Partner of Spiker Consulting Group Virgil Grant III – Co-founder of the California Minority Alliance, leader of the cannabis industry Donnie Anderson – Chairman of the California Minority Alliance Ryan Jennemann – Entrepreneur, Cultivator and breeder of Cannabis Alliance Bankcard Service:Marijuana Business and Banking KCAL Insurance: Marijuana Business and commercial insurance Gorden Kao - CCYP Executive Director Special Guests: Mike Eng - State Assembly Andre Quintero - Mayor of El Monte Speakers Bio: Paul P. Cheng, Esq. - TRIAL ATTORNEY, MANAGING PARTNER A managing partner of a team of distinguished attorneys in Pasadena, California, Mr. Cheng has extensive legal experience in small to large business operations and commercial realty transactions. He has counseled individuals and businesses at all levels in a variety of transactional and litigation matters, including contract, landlord-tenant, land use, employment, franchise law, fraud, identity-theft, business immigration, civil rights violations, products liability, trademark violation, construction defect and general torts. Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Cheng was a Deputy City Attorney/City Prosecutor/Mediator with the City of Hesperia, California. He wants to bring his many years of professional, community, and educational experience to help the council solve these problems. Mr. Cheng obtained a B.A. degree in Philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles and a J.D. degree from Southwestern University School of Law. Mr. Cheng was also a candidate for the 2010 Arcadia City Council. He is past President of the Arcadia Kiwanis Club (2007-2008). He has traveled extensively through Asia and is a frequent lecturer at the universities there. He was a guest lecturer at Beijing University's School of International Studies. He is fluent in Mandarin. Joaquin Lim - Former Walnut Mayor Joaquin Lim is the chief executive officer of the American International Education Foundation. He was elected to the Walnut City Council in 1995 and served as the city's mayor and councilmember from 1995-2012. During his tenure on the Walnut City Council, he also served on several government and corporate boards. Joaquin is an adjunct faculty member at California State University, Long Beach. He served as a helicopter medic in the U.S. Army and he always finds time to be involved with his community. Ryan Jennemann – Entrepreneur, Cultivator and breeder of Cannabis Ryan Jennemann is an entrepreneur, self-taught cultivator and breeder of cannabis over the decades, and the co-founder of THC Design, the leading breeder and cultivator of premium, safe, organic, estate-grown cannabis in California. GORDEN KAO - CCYP Executive Director Gorden comes from a very business operations oriented family with existing operations in media, tech development and real estate. Immediately upon graduation Gorden was pulled into the family business (CCYP Media Network) to help jump-start the new media division for the family media business. Within three years, Gorden added seven new media platforms to the company’s asset portfolio and increased ad sales volume by 20%. As of today, under Gorden’s vision and leadership CCYP Media Network boasts 24 active media platforms in print, digital, mobile apps, social media and events. Annually, the CCYP Media Network handles advertising and consulting projects for over 4,000 clients both domestic and international, from small businesses to large Fortune 500 companies. ============================ 洛杉矶商业大麻投资论坛 “大麻合法化”一直以来都是争议性很大的敏感话题,特别对於华人,由於缺少与主流社会的信息沟通,很多投资者虽想抓住第一商机,但对商用大麻产业的专业规定一知半解,再加上没有正规咨询渠道,导致触犯法律而後悔莫及。 随著加州关於大麻合法化提案(64号提案)公投的通过,越来越多华人投资者将目光聚焦在了从事合法种植大麻的新兴产业上。究竟在加州投资种植贩卖大麻有哪些具体规定及相关注意事项? 从申请正规执照、税收、规划、立法、理财,到与业内专业人士及种植商直面沟通,南加州知名商业法律师事务所,郑博仁联合律师事务所将主办首次《洛杉矶商业大麻创业投资论坛》,本次论坛将前所未有的云集南加州业内各方主流精英,包括政商界人士,中英文现场教授并回答在场提问。 加州政府目前全力支持商用大麻这一新兴产业,2018年1月2日开始,加州政府将开放数千个执照的申请给有意种植、贩售商用大麻和大麻相关产品的民众 。 然而,使大麻合法化的64号法案给了民众答案,却也让民众产生了很多的疑惑。包括许多投资者、律师和企业家都陷入困惑,需要业内人士指导如何合法地投入到这个複杂但庞大的商机里面。 如果您对投资大麻的业务有兴趣的话 ,欢迎加入我们在洛杉矶的首次说明会。 如果您目前是营运商或是对大麻产业有兴趣的投资者,想了解更多关於这个高达数十亿美元商机的产业是否适合您的投资,欢迎於2017年10月25日晚上6点至9点加入我们。 本次说明会将成为有关目前大麻相关法律业内最具权威的一次演讲,并且让您知道如何从这个加州最新兴的产业中获益。我们将会对於这个刚通过的法案,例如如何申请执照进行解释和指导。 预约今年年度最大型最佳的法律盛会还不算晚,马上联繫郑博仁律师事务所以预约参加这场年度專業論壇。 演讲内容梗概: 大麻执照、投资机会、城市、郡和州的相关法规,大麻相关的税务问题,分区和规划的问题以及 什麽样是非法的大麻产业。 各领域的专家们将逐一为您进行全面分析!机会难得,人数有限,需预先登记报名。 时间:10月25日 6-9pm 地点:790 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101 (郑博仁律师事务所一楼讲堂) 报名註册费用: $20/人(网络提前报名) $50/人(活动当天到场註册) 媒体RSVP:请发邮件RSVP至[email protected] 主讲: 郑博仁律师 | 前检察官、加州联邦法院出庭审判律师 - 《如何在加州合法投资商用大麻》 林恩成 | 前核桃市市长 - 《政府监管与种植大麻》 Kenneth G. Spiker | 商用大麻协会会长、议会提案人、商业顾问 - 《商用大麻投资商机》 Adam J. Spiker | 商业顾问 - 《商业大麻投资注意事项》 Edward J. Rendon | 商业顾问 - 《投资商业大麻如何运作》 Virgil Grant III | 加州少数族裔联盟创立人 - 《亚裔如何投资商业大麻》 Donnie Anderson | 加州少数族裔联盟主席 - 《少数族裔投资商业大麻策略》 Ryan Jennemann | 商用大麻创业者、种植者 - 《如何与大麻种植商合作》 张国兴 | 华兴保险总裁 - 《大麻创业投资及相关保险》 William Sze | 联信商务总裁 - 《大麻创业与资金管理运作》 高长安 | 华人工商执行董事 - 《传统企业营销转型制胜法则》 特别嘉宾: 伍国庆 – 加州众议员 Andre Quintero - El Monte 市长 论坛合作夥伴: Spiker Consulting Group Alliance Bankcard Services – 联盟信用商务 CCYP – 华人工商 KCAL Insurance – 华兴保险

Event Details

6:00 PM on October 25, 2017

Event Producer:


Conference Center (Ground Floor)
790 E. Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA

