Training of Trainers: MADD Power of Parents, Rx 360, Marijuana 360

Training for parents, providers, educators, and community members to be able to present Power of Parents, Rx 360, Marijuana 360. If you work with youth, parents, families or the community in general this training is for you! Power of Parents: You will receive the knowledge and resources needed to engage parents in a discussion about underage drinking with their teens. You will learn to teach parents: How alcohol affects a teenager’s body and developing brain; Effective communication strategies and tips for talking with their teen; And, how to respond to and handle those tough questions that may come up Rx 360: Educates parents, youth and the community on: the harms and consequences of Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse, how parents can engage their teens in conversation on the topic of Prescription Drugs and how to advocate for the prevention of Prescription Drug abuse. MJ 360: Marijuana Harmless? Think Again educates parents, youth and the community on: the harms and consequences of Marijuana Drug Use and Abuse, how parents can engage their teens in conversation on the topic of Marijuana Drug and how to advocate for the prevention of Marijuana Drug abuse.

Event Details

10:00 AM on December 6, 2017

Event Producer:


Jacobs YMCA
1010 West Lind Street
Tucson, AZ

