Let’s Talk About Marijuana”

With the recent legalization of Marijuana in many states, there has been a significant increase in reports of the it's use among young people even though it is restricted to those 21 years of age and older. While there is an abundance of news about Americans facing their worst day with drugs, there is little talk about the first day, when a young person makes the decision to experiment with alcohol or drugs - even though ALL will face that decision at some point. Studies prove that parents, family members, friends and community, will have the most significant impact on a young person's decision regarding if, when and how they will experiment with drugs. On Monday October 23rd, Ludlow CARES Coalition will be holding our sixth annual Red Ribbon Week Fall Forum, "Let's Talk About Marijuana, The Conversation has Changed." This is a presentation geared toward encouraging fact based conversations about drugs and alcohol, specifically marijuana in today's environment of legalization. We encourage community members to attend this event with their children and during the course of Red Ribbon Week, to talk with the young people in your life about the risks of alcohol and drugs. What can you do to help? Please share this post and this invitation to get the word out to the Ludlow Community.

Event Details

7:00 PM on October 23, 2017

Event Producer:
Ludlow CARES Coalition


Ludlow High School
500 Chapin Street
Ludlow, MA

