MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge - Cannabis Technology

"MITEF invites you to join this important discussion as we bring together a spectrum of cannabis cognoscenti across business, academia, and technology to offer a range of views, insights, and opinions for how best to face the brave new world of legalized cannabis to maximize its contribution to the people of Massachusetts and beyond. Our panelists will address: What lessons can we learn from the history of cannabis and how can biotechnology, present new paths to improve and diversify the product development, verification, and analysis processes? How can we use quantitative data to improve qualitative experience? With the growing body of analytical science being applied to the Cannabis industry, how can we best leverage that science to impact the the economics and the experience for the end user? What is the investor perspective on industry landscape and how should entrepreneurs approach funding? How can POS systems and other related technologies help inform the Cannabis supply chain? How can we learn to replicate California's achievements and not repeat their mistakes in creating the collaborative MA cannabis landscape? What technologies and tools can be used to improve cultivation? How can technology help the cannabis industry grow without limitation?" USE COUPON CODE: MITEF1205 to receive $20 off the full price ticket! Event will take place at the MIT Stata Center (Building 32) – Room 123 32 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA 02139

Event Details

5:00 PM on December 5, 2017

Event Producer:


Ray and Maria Stata Center
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA

