Organic Hemp Innovations

⚘ Official Event Flyer: ⚘ Organic growers and manufacturers across America are embracing organically certified hemp as the next wave in the movement towards more sustainably produced, environmentally friendly and healthier products. Organic Hemp Innovations will provide a valuable educational experience for farmers, processors, retailers, academics, food safety and environmental advocates, and associated professionals, both in private industry and government, by focusing on the law, policy, and science of organic hemp. The event will showcase several speakers ranging from organic hemp certification to legal perspectives to hemp insects as well as two panels of industry practitioners who will offer their perspectives on how to succeed in the emerging organic markets for organic farming and organic manufacturing. A networking reception will conclude the event and give everyone the opportunity to enjoy cocktails and explore our sponsors. ⚘ Legal Profession: We have applied for the Continuing Legal Education credit and it will be available in a specific ticket bracket. ⚘ IHRF Members: Contact [email protected] for special pricing on tickets. ⚘ Sponsors/Vendors: Contact [email protected] for our sponsorship/vendor packages. ⚘ IHRF Website:

Event Details

8:30 AM on February 24, 2018

Event Producer:
Industrial Hemp Research Foundation



University of Denver Sturm College of Law
2255 E Evans Ave
Denver, CO

