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This is an important fundraiser for the medicai cannabis program (patients, caregivers & processors). Caregiver & processors please consider putting up some cash to help protect our program for the future. CCM, MMCM & Dawson Julia are putting on a gourmet fundraising dinner in downtown Brunswick, with cannabis infused options as gifts(caregiver or patient ID required). Location disclosed shortly before event at request of owner. All food prepared by an executive chef. $350 a seat Proceeds will be going to lawyers and lobbyists hired to stop these rules & stop program from going under BABLO (and all negative implications). Also lobbying to keep our processors processing for patients. We also want more employees for caregivers, caregiver to caregiver sales and unlimited patients!!!! We need to process safely and don't want to be lumped with ALCOHOL & LOTTERY (BABLO)! PLEASE SHARE, ESPECIALLY WITH PROCESSORS THAT WANT TO KEEP GOING. ... To buy tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mmcm-dawson-julia-ccm-present-a-fundraising-feast-cocktails-for-the-medical-marijuana-program-350-a-tickets-42760251062 To donate through paypal: https://mainemedmarijuana.com/dinner/ Please consider buying a seat at the dinner or you can donate as much as you want through PayPal. All of the random donations will be tallied up and we will be sponsoring low-income patients to have a seat at the table. PLEASE give what you can. And share!