420 Green Carpet Awards

S'Laughter Visions / 541 THC / Cattleman's Present. 420 Green Carpet Awards Green Carpet Award Voting is now open! at www.slaughtervisions.com 2/3 of the vote will be from Respected Industry Professionals. Public vote will count for 1/3. The Judges will be voting on 2017 Published Material and Accomplishments. There will be one winner in each category! Performance Line Up! (subject to change) Maddy Joy Schmidt Pandora Acoustic LunaVolta Wilderness 1 love The Rogue Underground Funk Dub Ripple Effect Chenoah Costello Holographic Girl Loak Flores 3 Ring The Cultivators Dos Tacos Dusty Jones And The Devils High Society The Shaky Harlots Lee L.A.B Spivey Silas Wolf Snowman Proper NONsense Dead Kids

Event Details

6:00 PM on April 20, 2018

02:00 AM on April 22, 2018

Event Producer:


Cattlemens Bar
108 Depot St
Rogue River, OR

