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Friday MArch 16th 7-8pm $10 (please be on time as we will start right at 7pm) At this meditation, you’ll have the opportunity to try a Nanoenhanced Phytocannabnoid Diol Hemp Extract prior to meditating. This meditation will allow your nervous system to begin to relax and fully unwind, giving your body a chance to finally surrender and let go. The hemp oil used is non-psychoactive with only/under .002% THC, and it’s legal in all 50 states. “I have been using this dietary supplement for a few months. What I have noticed is a spiritual calmness and less intense spiritual energies when going through quick times of spiritual growth. It lowers my fear threshold and allows access to higher spiritual energies. This product allows for lessening of the stored spiritual and emotional stressors trapped in the nervous system.” Diana Kushenbach www.dkushenbach.primemybody.com for more info. We sell this product in our store and are also building our team of affiliates. If you are interested in this business opportunity with a growing company contact Diana 630-269-0115 Diana will be playing singing bowls both crystal and Tibetan and also the Paiste Nibiru and Sound Creation Earth Gong, Mother Mary Wind gong and drumming in this session. Our focus will be deep soul healing. RSVP www.meetup.com/dianakushenbach