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CREW DC invites members and the public to its April program, “Marijuana + CRE: A Pipe Dream”, on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 10:45 AM at The W Hotel at 515 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC. The legalization of marijuana has changed not only our politics, but also the way business is done. It has added a new market to CRE which has blurred some lines and created a new source of income in an unconventional way. What are the emerging real estate issues you need to know within the cannabis industry? Join our panel of experts as they tease out the unique legal and societal complications that surround marijuana and the broader cannabis industry. Discuss how real estate transactions are being structured between operators and owners, necessary zoning and policy changes, NIMBYism and a whole host of other topics. Moderator: Tina Reed, Staff Reporter, Washington Business Journal Speakers: David Grosso, DC Councilman At-Large Chanda Macias, Owner, National Holistic Healing Center, Medical Marijuana Dispensary and Chair of Women Grow Stanley Jutkowitz, Esq., Attorney, Seyfarth Shaw