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A P R I L | 4 | 2 0 1 8 All Kind Presents: Maine's Ganja Girl Gang - Let's Talk Edibles! Join us for a brief discussion around the benefits of eating your cannabis! Claire Stretch, co-founder of All Kind LLC, will be there with her famed chocolate line including other goodies for your enjoyment! B Y O C : Pre-rolls, bowls, vapes, B O N G S (why hasn't there been a bong at a meeting lately?) Bring a cushion for your toosh (couch cushions are premium choice,) or a low beach chair, blanket, whatever you need to get comfortable. W O M E N | O N L Y 2 1 + * secret society * anonymous participation * safe space * girl gang /ɡərl//ɡaNG/ those fearless ladies who exude self-confidence and help build their fellow sistas up, not tear them down