420 Friendly Cannabis Retreat

With the legalization of Cannabis in the State, a celebration is in order! The weekend includes Free Workshops about the Cannabis plant, it's many benefits on the body, learn about your Endocannabinoid System, how to activate it and how to cook with Hemp, which does not contain THC, workshops are optional. All meals are organic, included in the price and will contain Hemp! You can either sit back and be served because after all, it is a Retreat... Or you can put on an apron and come to the Edible Hemp Workshop and learn it's many uses in the kitchen, as well as create a variety of dishes sure to put a smile on your face. This will be a great way to network with others that share a common interest~Legalization! There will be four Workshops about the Cannabis Plant, CBD's, THC, Cooking With Hemp, it is a weekend event, price is $250 includes all food, lodging and workshops. Begins at 2pm on July 13, ends at 4pm on Sunday July 15, bring your drum! Some indoor sleeping options available in lodge with your own air mattress~$300 Hosted by Michele Wildflower ~Holistic Health Practitioner, currently enrolled in the Clinical Cannabinoid Medicine Curriculum, Alchemist of Nature's Mysteries Apothecary, Essential Oil Coach, Homeopath, Herbalist, Reiki Master, Certified in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Currently working towards her PhD in Holistic Natural Health and Nutrition. She is passionate about plant medicine research and education and enjoys passing on the knowledge. Each workshop will last for an hour~45 min. of instruction and 15 min. of Q and A. Discover the Essence of Plant Medicine with Michele Wildflower HHP~ What are you waiting for? Register early to reserve your space, spaces limited~$250 Call 802 624-6540 now!

Event Details

2:00 PM on July 13, 2018

05:00 PM on July 15, 2018

Event Producer:
Nature's Mysteries



The Wheelock Way
855 Stannard Mountain Rd
Wheelock, VT

