Cannabis Law Institute!

NCBA and MCBA Attorney Members - sign into your account and purchase your $649 tickets ($574 with early bird discount) HERE! Discription: Join your colleagues at the Cannabis Law Institute, the seminal two-day cannabis industry legal education event produced by the National Cannabis Bar Association in partnership with The George Washington University Law School on September 7-8, 2017 in Washington D.C.  This event will convene the best minds and visionaries working in the legal cannabis industry for two days of legal education and will include  intimate evening networking events. The conference will feature many of the nation’s leading attorneys, academics, and politicians.  The conference offers multiple tracks for practitioners, academics, and policy advocates. Courses range from introductory to advanced, and this year, NCBA is excited to announce a partnership with the Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA), which will host a single-day policy track alongside the Cannabis Law Institute.  The MCBA track will address minority involvement in the cannabis industry as it develops. It is important for all involved in the cannabis industry to recognize that, we, as an industry, must not only ensure that past wrongs and incarceration for now-legal activities are remedied, but also that there is a place in this vibrant new economy for those that have been historically hard-hit by the drug war.    NCBA Student Member discounts are also avaliable at the website.  Two tiers of tickets are avaliable. Attorney tickets grant access to both days of continuing legal education, keynote addresses, and two days of networking events. Non-CLE tickets grant you access to the Friday activities, which include morning keynotes, your choice of afternoon tracks (including NCBA legal tracks and MCBA policy discussions and workshops), and the evening networking event.   NCBA. The National Cannabis Bar Association was formed in 2015 by a group of lawyers who saw a need to educate and connect with other cannabis industry lawyers for the purpose of providing excellent, ethical, and advanced legal assistance to this growing industry. As the first professional association for business lawyers in the cannabis industry, we strive to create a place where those in and around legal practice in the cannabis industry can mingle in a relaxed setting. 

Event Details

1:00 PM on September 7, 2018

09:00 PM on September 8, 2018


The George Washington University Law School
2000 H Street NW
Washington D.C, DC

