Intro to CBD: CBD & Pain Management

Meet the farmer! Meet the patient! Meet the doctor! Smoakland's CBD Panel Workshop Series connects you with Cannabidiol medical experts. pharmaceutical professionals and clinical practioners. The series highlights current and evolving applications of CBD, the curious molecule taking the medical world by storm. Cannabidiol has been recommended by medical professionals the world over, and it has even been approved by the FDA on June 25, 2018. There will also be a Q+A + Testimonials from our panel: Dr. Danielle McLane, The Bay Chiro Jourdan Jade, Pharmaceutical Representtive Dr. Ron Perry, Psychologist L.R. Herrera, Cannabis Cultivation and Harvest Consultant A brief Overview: What is CBD? CBD is one of more than 120 compounds called cannabinoids. Many plants contain cannabinoids, but people most commonly link them to cannabis. Unlike other cannabinoids — such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — CBD does not produce a euphoric "high" or psychoactive effect. This is because CBD does not affect the same receptors as THC. The human body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that receives and translates signals from cannabinoids. It produces some cannabinoids of its own, which are called endocannabinoids. The ECS helps to regulate functions such as sleep, immune-system responses, and pain. When THC enters the body, it produces a "high" feeling by affecting the brain's endocannabinoid receptors. This activates the brain's reward system, producing pleasure chemicals such as dopamine. In this installment of the series, we will be covering how CBD is used for pain management in everyday life. See you on September 22nd!

Event Details

9:00 PM on September 22, 2018


Camber Montclair
6516 Moraga Ave
Oakland, CA

