Cannabis as Medicine

Curious about medical cannabis?  In this session, we explain the "how" and "why" cannabis affects you and your body and what it can do to help improve your quality of life.  Each attendee will recieve a free CBD honey sitck and a copy of Revive Magazine. Topics include: • Taking control of your health• Why is cannabis medicine?• What is the Endocannabinoid System?• What are THC and CBD?• How to obtain your medical card• What products are available? Revive Magazine's Cannabis Education Series is part of our ongoing advocacy and outreach efforts and is free to the general public.  Each month Revive hosts informational events to educate the community about the benefits of medical cannabis.

Event Details

6:00 PM on September 19, 2018


Paradise Wellness & Event Center
28410 Bonita Crossings Blvd. #11
Bonita Springs, FL

