Medical Cannabis for Beginners - Finding the Right Product & Dosage for You

Are you new to cannabis, wondering what it is all about? Have you heard enough about CBD and THC to pique your interest and want to hear more from experts in the field? Then this class is for you! We’ve lined up expert Wade Laughter to help you navigate this exploding field. During the session you will understand the cannabis flower and how cannabis products are made. We will cover the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis, the different products and consumption methods, cannabis safety and efficacy and much more. Our education session will be 90 minutes concluding with a Q & A session. This class will provide: An overview of the endocannabinoid system; all about synergy and entourage effects of cannabis. Strategies for choosing products: topicals, vaporizing, edibles, flower, concentrates Review of the most common medical conditions that respond well to cannabis. Wade Laughter is a master cannabis cultivator known for identifying and propagating the high-CBD strain known as Harlequin. In addition to cultivating premium cannabis for nearly two decades, Wade has specialized in CBD-rich cannabis cultivation in Northern California for the last ten years. He is a researcher, speaker and activist about cannabis. Wade also advocates for patients’ access to safe, clean, affordable medicine, while providing cultivators with information on Best Management Practices. Wade was recognized as a master cultivator by High Times Magazine as early as 2008. In addition to tending to the garden, Wade also consults with patients who are members of his collective, works on the herb farm or is guest speaking at cannabis panel discussions. Go to our website for more information and to view our menu.

Event Details

12:00 AM on November 15, 2018


Elevation 2477' Community Room
569 Searls Ave
Nevada City, CA

