Cannacoding Q&A session

Meet professional web developers and software engineering students, and ask all the questions you have about learning code. If you have a project that you’re working on, bring it along and bounce your ideas off of other programmers. This session will be very casual, and no experience is required! If you have never coded before, bring your computer and we can help you get set up with a text editor and all the tools you need to start. Please arrive at 5:45 for meet & greet and to sign the consumption waiver. RSVP through What to bring: Your own product and $5 to enter the Coffee Joint (Entry is free if you purchase THC/CBD product next door) A laptop if you want to code A rig if you plan to dab (no torch or flame allowed, e-nails provided). Rigs are also available for purchase. You may bring a ‘sack lunch’ and a  reusable water bottle, which we recommended if you plan to consume THC. Coffee is provided, and snacks are available for purchase. We ask that all attendees review and adhere to our Code of Conduct: I will comply with all rules and regulations at The Coffee Joint I will consume cannabis products mindfully and responsibly. In the event that I over-consume at a cannacoding event, I will inform a Coffee Joint employee and remove myself from the event space. I will respect speakers time by putting my phone on silent and giving them my full attention while in the cannacoding event space. I will refrain from any inappropriate comments/behavior regarding a fellow cannacoder’s background, race, religion, sexuality, ability, and gender. I will ask for permission before taking someone’s photo. I understand that the cannacoding events operate with a zero-tolerance harassment policy.

Event Details

1:00 AM on November 17, 2018


The Coffee Joint
1130 Yuma Court
Denver, CO

