HypNoSmoke @ The Avenue - Resolve!

Need any help with that resolution?  Maybe you know someone who stopped smoking easily.  They didn't struggle or fail, they just threw away the pack and never looked back.  And when you ask them how they did it, they almost always say "I just made up my mind."   You can stop just that easily, immediately and permanently yourself.  You don't need pills, patches, gum, supplements or audio recordings.   All you need is the right information, the right motivation, and the right attitude.  All you have to change is your mind.  Tobacco / Cannabis expert, psychotherapist, NLP Master Trainer, Clinical Hypnotherapist (and former 30-year smoker) Frank Oden has worked with thousands of smokers, chewers, vapers and other nicotine and THC users since 2005 in his full-time Cherry Creek practice and over 100 HypNoSmoke seminars across the Denver area and the Colorado Front Range. Oden's process is built around interactive NLP, auto-suggestion training, mental performance coaching and subliminal hypnotic techniques used throughout the entire presentation. The event is motivational, educational, entertaining and 100% focused on an immediate outcome – there are no retail products or additional services sold, promoted or necessary.   "The basic tools and methods that I teach rely on simple, common sense mental skills possessed by nearly every person. It costs you nothing to apply such techniques in your own mind, in your own life -- in fact, most of these "mental hacks" have been in common use by humans for over 2000 years!”  -- Frank Oden  Seminar Topics Include:  -- Principles of effective life-span decision making. -- Proper techniques for self-directed behavior change. -- Choosing the right motivational approach. -- The antidote to Instant Gratification. -- Why "willpower" is counterproductive, and what to use instead. -- How some people stop easily while others continue to struggle. -- Understanding triggers and how to conquer (not avoid!) them. -- The anatomy of "Craving" and how to ignore it. -- Turning self-doubt (learned helplessness) into self-confidence (positive expectation).  You'll learn how to take control of your own attitudes and behaviors, how to beat any physical or mental dependence, how to banish cravings and prevent relapse, and how to capture and retain the most important factor in any success, the power of positive attitude. The evening concludes with a free and optional guided meditation (hypnotic relaxation) for reinforcement.  HypNoSmoke is a 100% drug-free approach to stopping all forms of nicotine or THC.  Many clients have used the process to stop vaping, e-cig use and/or chewing nicotine gum. The process is equally effective for immediate cessation and complete abstinence of Cannabis/THC. This session will be conducted personally by Frank Oden in a theatre-style venue with a maximum of 30 participants to allow optimum comfort and personal space.  Questions?    Call (303) 246-0354 Private Coaching and two-person sessions also available:visit www.hypnosmoke.com or call (303) 246-0354

Event Details

12:00 AM on January 7, 2019


The Avenue Theater
417 East 17th Avenue
Denver, CO

