Hemp Derived CBD: Just the Facts

Hemp-derived cannabidiol, or CBD, has been receiving a lot of attention for its benefits on human health. Hemp CBD supplements are even being recogized amongst the medical community as a key supplement to improve quality of life. However, even with its growing popularity, some still are not entirely familiar with it, and even hesitant to approach the subject. What is hemp CBD and what exactly is there to know?  Join us for this informative lecture, where you will: Learn about the discovery of CBD, its natural sources, including the differences between agricultural hemp and high-THC cannabis plants Discover how CBD interacts with the body via the endocannabinoid system (ECS), and how it is related to overall wellbeing Learn why hemp is the eco-friendliest way to balance the endocannabinoid system Determine why hemp-derived CBD may be the best option for your health Discussion presented by: Miles Sarill, National Educator

Event Details

5:00 PM on January 8, 2019

12:00 AM on February 3, 2019


Co-op Learning Center, Lebanon Co-op
12 Centerra Parkway
Lebanon, NH

