CBD & Essential Hemp Nutrition

Join us to celebrate Hemp History Week and learn about ESSENTIAL HEMP NUTRITION & CBD. Here are two unhappy facts: 1. Most of our daily food is lacking in basic nutrition and some nutrients are more difficult to find than others. 2. Nutritional deficiencies are an important factor contributing to the breakdown of our bodies and our immune system, clearing the path for sickness and disease. Now a very happy insight:  Hemp is one of the most important foods that we can eat because it addresses many nutritional deficiencies by providing: -Essential Omega Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, 9) -Essential Amino Acids (Complete Protein) -Essential Cannabinoids  (CBD, CBG, CBN, THC, etc) Be empowered by understanding ALL the nutritional benefits of HEMP - especially with regard to offering Cannabinoid support. Explore your Cannabinoid System and what it means to support it with HEMP and CBD. **FREE SAMPLES OF HEMP SEEDS & TRUE CBD HEMP OIL WILL BE PROVIDED TO ALL ATTENDEES**

Event Details

10:00 PM on June 6, 2019


Nutrition Smart
464 Southwest Port Saint Lucie Boulevard
Port St. Lucie, FL

