Nerd Night: CBD

As a part of our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education mission, we have teamed up with UTEP's Centennial Museum to bring a new event to the Border Region - Nerd Nights.  Nerd Nights is a series of informative evening events designed to bring fun scientific talks and activities to your favorite local brewery, restaurant, coffee shop, or any other community hub.  We will host a different Nerd Night at a different local establishment on a semi monthly basis.  Introducing our Next Nerd Night on Thursday, July 18th:CBD CBD shops are everywhere these days, but are these products legal, safe, and effective?   The CBD industry is growing like wildfire, but most consumers know little about the sourcing of these products.  Are all of your friends and family talking about using of CBD product for relaxation, workout recovery or medical ailments?  The science and regulation of CBD in Texas and New Mexico is constantly changeling.  Join our next Nerd Night to learn all about this exciting new 'green revolution' from local experts.   Nerd Night CBD is Proudly Sponsored by:     Speakers  Dr. Armando Gonzalez-Stuart (Herbal medicine researcher - University of Texas El Paso School of Pharmacy) - CBD and THC: Differences and Synergistic Effects Cynthia Lopez (Attorney at Cynthia Lopez P.C.) - state and federal legality of CBD product distribution and use  Jake Kruse (Senior Program Specialist at New Mexico Department of Agriculture) - hemp agriculture and regulation

Event Details

1:00 AM on July 19, 2019


Salt + Honey Bakery Cafe
801 North Piedras Street
El Paso, TX

