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Say goodbye to any misdemeanor or felony convictions for cannabis San Fransisco! That’s right, the District Attorney George Gascon has stated that he is expunging or reducing misdemeanor and felony convictions going back to 1975.
This is great news for the citizens of San Fransisco and with any luck, this type of policy will spread to other states. Written in Prop. 64 was a piece of legislation that allowed people with cannabis convictions to petition a court to recall or dismiss any charges that would now be null under the new law. Gascon has decided to forgo the petition process and simply wipe out the cases altogether. He is expected to dismiss over 3,00 misdemeanor convictions and if necessary, re-sentence almost 5,000 felony charges.
“Instead of waiting for people to petition — for the community to come out — we have decided that we will do so ourselves,” Gascón said. “We believe it is the right thing to do. We believe it is the just thing to do.”
To read more about this, visit https://goo.gl/JCdv94.
A caffeine dependent life form.