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Marijuana Business Conference and Expo

Last time we talked we highlighted some of the recent press coverage we received. We highlighted some of our local and national coverage. The industry is taking notice and getting blown away. ... Read More »


Authorities Raid Marijuana Dispensaries

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – The Kent Area Narcotics Enforcement Team executed court orders at seven areas for purportedly not agreeing to Michigan Therapeutic Pot laws. In a public statement, autho... Read More »


Coming War on Legal Marijuana Jeff Sessions

There’s little to stop the attorney general nominee from ignoring the will of millions of pro-pot voters.

On Decision Day, eight states voted to in favor of recreational or medical ca... Read More »


Benefits of Legal Growing

 People have been growing cannabis for centuries.

From ancient India and China to modern Netherlands and America, countless generations have grown cannabis. Farming p... Read More »


Hunter S. Thompson Private Cannabis Strains Coming To Colorado

Writer Hunter S. Thompson, who famously traveled through Las Vegas with a “car full of marijuana and head full of acid,” is bound for legend status in the cannabis community. Pot s... Read More »


Strain Names and Aliases

A rose by any other name might smell as sweet but finding it under that name is now a whole lot easier! Farms that produce well known products like Girl Scout Cookies or Cinex under aliases or &rsq... Read More »


Connecting Strain Data

The weather is getting chill and the outdoor harvest is in. Farmers across America are finding out how well they did this year and Cannafo is here to help share. We have updated some of the tools t... Read More »


Comprehensive Data

To those of you just joining us, we have a whole host of products and services you might not be familiar with. We are constantly improving our site and resources in an effort to offer the best reso... Read More »


The Medical Page

Check out our newest page on the history of medical marijuana.  You will find all kinds of information about the history of medical marijuana and how it got to where it is today. We go from an... Read More »